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更新时间:2015-10-13  |  点击数:16798



Title of projectResearch on Knowledge Translation from Health Technology Assessment to Health Policy-making in China (CMB, OC11-067)



PI name:Yingyao Chen

Name of PI’s institution:School of Public Health, Fudan University

Address of PI’s institution:138, Yi Xue Yuan Road, Shanghai, 200032, China


Collaborating Institutions:

Name of institution: Laurentian University

Contact person: Raymond W Pong

Address: Ramsey Lake Road, Sudbury, Ontario, CANADA P3E 2C6


Name of institution: Tulane University, School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine

Contact person: Lizheng Shi

Address: 1440 Canal Street, Suite 1900, New Orleans, LA 70112, USA


Name of institution: Zhejiang University

Contact person: Hengjin Dong

Address: 866, Yuhangtang Rd, Hangzhou 310058, China




How to improve Health Technology Assessment (HTA) knowledge translation (KT) and how to strengthen the application of HTA evidence to policy-making are important issues for those involved in health system restructuring to consider in China.


Overall goal and objectives

This study will analyze HTA development and utilization, examine enabling and impeding factors that influence HTA knowledge translation by quantitative and qualitative methods, and provide evidence-based recommendations for improving the use of HTA evidence to inform health policy-making in China.



1) To describe the current status of HTA development in China, focusing on knowledge translation from HTA to health policy-making, using drugs, high-cost medical devices, and hi-tech medical equipment as case studies;

2) Under a broader framework of health research knowledge translation, to examine enabling and impeding factors that affect the translation of HTA evidence to policy-making;

3) To explore how health research knowledge translation models and approaches used in other countries could be adapted and applied to the HTA situation in China.



The study has two stages, a pilot-study stage and a main-study stage. The study will employ literature review, institutional survey, survey of HTA researchers and policy-makers, and individual interviews as main data collection methods. Instruments will be developed, including institutional survey questionnaires for HTA agencies/units, central government and provincial government departments; questionnaires for HTA researchers and policy makers; semi-structured interview protocols for policy-makers, researchers, and others, and the theoretical framework of HTA-related KT to policy making.


Outcome measures

1) A research report;

2) A theoretical framework for HTA-related KT to policy making;

3) Approaches and strategies to improve translation of HTA evidence to policy-making;

4) 10 Chinese articles in domestic core journals and 3 English articles in SCI journals;

5) A national knowledge dissemination meeting.



The study will propose a series of approaches and strategies designed to improve HTA-related KT and facilitate access to quality health services for people in China.




中 文 摘 要




在此背景下,卫生技术评估(health technology assessment, HTA)应运而生,对卫生技术的技术特性、临床安全性、有效性、经济学特性和社会适应性进行全面系统的评价,其主要目的就是为决策者提供信息,提高卫生资源配置的效率,发挥卫生技术带来的提升诊疗质量、改善健康结果等益处,同时限制甚至避免卫生技术可能带来的消极影响。

然而,目前国内虽然开展了一些卫生技术评估研究,产出了相应研究结果,有些甚至为卫生技术相关政策的制订发挥了重要作用。但也有许多知识成果未能转化为政策或投入实践,这不仅使研究结果无法解决实际工作中的问题,而且也不利于发现既有研究结果中存在的问题并加以改进。在此背景下,加强卫生技术评估研究成果向卫生政策的转化(knowledge translation, KT)、使其充分发挥决策支持作用,将有利于促进科学决策与循证决策,保障卫生技术的发展进步真正惠及广大社会公众。


























以主成分分析(principal component analysis, PCA)进行探索性因子分析(explorative factor analysis, EFA),并采用最大方差法(Varimax)进行分析,以特征值大于l作为因子个数选择的标准。


利用纠正项目的总相关系数(Corrected- Item Total Correlation, CITC)进行测量条款的净化,以0.3作为净化测量条款的标准,并利用Cronbach’s α系数检验测量条款的内部一致性信度。


效度分析主要运用结构方程模型(Structural equation modeling, SEM)的验证性因子分析(confirmatory factor analysis, CFA)对量表模型进行拟合优度检验,以验证因子的测量模型是否合理。































【关键词】   卫生技术评估;知识转化;决策;中国




Research on Knowledge Translation from Health Technology Assessment to Health Policy-making in China





With the deepening of the healthcare reform in China, health technology has been considered as an important component in improving the national health system, which consists of the health insurance system and health delivery system. Similar to the other scientific technologies, health technology is a double-edged sword. While it can improve the ability to prevent, diagnose, treatment, and rehabilitation, it may have some negative side effects, like driving up health care costs and generating ethical and social implications that cannot be ignored.


Under the context, HTA has been gaining recognition internationally and has played an increasingly important role in health policy-making. HTA is a multidisciplinary activity that systematically examines the technical performance, safety, clinical efficacy, and effectiveness, cost, cost-effectiveness, organizational implications, social consequences, legal, and ethical considerations of the application of a health technology. HTA provides evidence-based information to help make decisions on the selection and utilization of health technologies, to promote efficient health resource allocation, and to improve the clinical effectiveness. Besides, HTA is also helpful to control cost and eliminate other negative effects.


In the case of China, although some HTA studies have been conducted and some HTA knowledge has been created, the application of HTA findings to policy-making is not widespread and the integration of HTA in the policy-making processes is still in its infancy. The condition is not only adverse to the solution of actual problems, but also not conducive to the perfection of HTA knowledge. Under this background, strengthening the knowledge translation from HTA to health policy and giving full play to HTA role as the decision-making support, will greatly promote the scientific decision-making and evidence-based decisions, as well as benefit the general public from the progress in the development of health technologies.




This study will analyze HTA development and utilization, examine enabling and impeding factors that influence HTA knowledge translation by quantitative and qualitative methods, and provide evidence-based recommendations for strengthening the knowledge translation from HTA evidence to health policy-making in China.





Methods for data collection

Literature review

This study used multiple literature search engines to collect studies on KT theoretical model, KT measurement, as well as KT influencing factors. The literature review provided some information to develop survey and interview instruments.

Expert consultation

After development of the questionnaire draft, experts at home and abroad were consulted to improve the content and structure of the questionnaire, as well as to edit the wording.

Questionnaire survey

Questionnaire survey mainly focused on HTA researchers and policy-makers. It collected information, including awareness, attitudes, perceived needs, knowledge, training, and experience of HTA researchers and policy-makers with regard to HTA and KT, and communications and interactions between researchers and policy-makers.

Semi-structured key informant interview

Semi-structured key informant interview protocols also mainly focused on HTA researchers and policy-makers. It solicited information about the current status of knowledge translation from HTA to the health policy-making, the influencing factors that may affect HTA KT activities and effectiveness, as well as some suggestions for HTA knowledge translation.



HTA researchers included in the questionnaire survey were those who met the following criteria: 1) working at HTA agencies/units including both agencies/units with HTA as part of their titles and those with HTA research or related activities, such as academic units focusing on evidence-based medicine, pharmaco-economics, health economics, evidence-based medicine, health care management at universities and research institutions, etc; 2) conducting research that examines the medical, economic, social and ethical implications of the application or use of health technology, such as “the drugs, devices, and medical and surgical procedures used in health care, and the organizational and supportive systems within which such care is provided”.


Policy-makers included in the questionnaire survey were those who work in the health technology field at central government departments of the Ministry of Health (MoH), the Ministry of Health Resource and Social Security (MoHRSS), and the State Food and Drug Administration (SFDA), as well as the provincial counterparts of MoH, MoHRSS, and SFDA.


In-depth interviews were conducted with key informants of policy-makers and HTA researchers to collect some invisible or intangible information which the structure questionnaire could not detect. The number of interviews to be conducted was based on the principle of information maturation.


Statistical methods

Descriptive analysis

We analyzed current HTA activities and knowledge translation from HTA to health policy-making based on the surveys of researchers and policy-makers.

Explorative factor analysis

Principal component analysis was applied to do explorative factor analysis. By agency of the maximum variance method (Varimax), eigenvalue greater than 1 was set to determine the number of factor.

Reliability analysis

Corrected- Item Total Correlation (CITC) was used to purify the measurement items. The items with CITC value less than 0.3 will be eliminated. Besides, Cronbach’s α coefficient was applied to test the internal consistency reliability.

Validity analysis

Structural equation model (SEM) was applied to test the goodness of fit of the scale model and verify whether the factor structure of the model is reasonable.

Univariate analysis

F-test was applied to compare the difference of HTA knowledge translation among the respondents with different demographic characteristics. Correlation analysis was used to test the association between the factors, such as HTA research quality, institutional support, and the level of HTA knowledge translation.

Multivariate analysis

Multivariate liner regression model and SEM path analysis were applied to explore the association between the independent variables (such as demographic characteristics, HTA research quality, communications and interactions between researchers and policy-makers, individual perception and attitude, and so on) and dependent variable (HTA knowledge translation), respectively for policymakers and HTA researchers.

Qualitative analysis

Qualitative analysis techniques were used to analyze the interview data. The analysis used qualitative research software (such as NVivo 7) to analyze the interview transcriptions of HTA activity and HTA knowledge translation.




HTA-KT theoretical framework

By clarifying the definition of HTA and knowledge translation and summarizing theoretical results of previous studies, a theoretical framework for knowledge translation from HTA to health policy-making was developed to provide the guidance for investigating influencing factors, especially the factors of HTA researchers, policy-makers and institutions that may affect KT.


Questionnaires and interview protocols

Based on the HTA-KT theoretical framework and the survey tools of previous researches, the questionnaire and interview protocols were developed after expert consultation. The questionnaires were modified and finalized after revision and sample test. The result of the empirical study shows that the finalized questionnaire has good reliability and validity.


The current status of HTA activity

As demonstrated by questionnaire survey of HTA researchers, less than 20% of HTA researchers perceived that their institution provided fairly great support for HTA knowledge translation. With regard to the communication and interaction with policymakers, between 40% and 50% of HTA researchers has fairly good communication with policymakers in the stages of topic selection, methods formulation, implementation, data analysis and report writing. However, only 20% of HTA researchers reported fairly good communication in the stage of results transmission. Regarding the HTA research quality, approximately 60% of the HTA researchers considered the scientific nature, timeliness and practicality fairly good. Additionally, the qualitative interview showed that scientific report and publication in academic journal were the most commonly output form of HTA studies. Also, the overall quality of HTA research needs to be improved.


To the results of questionnaire survey of policy-makers, about half of the policy-makers consider the communication with researchers fairly good and 40% of the policy-makers think close contact has been developed between the research unit and policy-making department. Also, about one third of the policy-makers perceive that the department they work in has paid close attention the new HTA evidence. However, less than 15% of the policy-makers consider that their institutions have provided enough train and research funding support for HTA studies. Similar to the results of questionnaire survey of HTA researchers, a large part of policy-makers have participated in the stages of HTA study. However, only 25% of policy-makers have fairly good communication with HTA researchers in the stage of HTA results transmission. Regarding to the scientific nature, timeliness and practicality of HTA research, between 30% and 40% of the policy-makers perceived it good. In addition, the qualitative interview illustrated that research report, summary abstract and policy brief were the most preferred output form by a majority of policy-makers.


The current status of HTA knowledge translation

The “ladder-like” characteristic of knowledge translation was illustrated by the result of questionnaire survey of HTA researchers. Namely, some primary stages of knowledge translation were relatively easier to complete than some advanced stages. For instance, about 40% of HTA researchers reported that they often published HTA results in academic journal or submitted HTA results to the policy-makers, while only 15% of HTA researchers have research evidence adopted in policy-making or applied in wider scope. The results of qualitative interview also showed that a large part of HTA researchers only have a handful of HTA results applied as references or evidences for policy document.


Between 40% and 50% of policy-makers reported that they are capable to read and fully understand the HTA results. The same proportion of policy-makers have used HTA results as references of decision-making or adopted HTA results to policy formulation. However, only 20% of them perceived that the policy based on HTA evidence had wider application. Furthermore, many policy-makers declared in qualitative interview that “HTA has not yet played a significant role in health policy-making in China” and “HTA is largely an academic exercise with little real impact on health policy”.


Influencing factors of HTA knowledge translation

To HTA researchers, the results of SEM path analysis demonstrated that “communication with policy-makers”, “academic title”, “quality of HTA research”, “KT support scheme of working department” and “the ability of applying HTA evidence” associated positively with HTA knowledge translation. The results of qualitative interview also demonstrated that “communication and interaction” and some research-quality-related factors (e.g. “relevance to policy-making”, “in easy-to-understand language”) were important factors influence HTA knowledge translation.

To policy-makers, the results of multivariate linear regression analysis illustrated that “expect of HTA importance in policy-making”, “communication with HTA researchers” and “KT support scheme of working department” associated positively with HTA knowledge translation. These factors were also reported as important KT influencing factors in the qualitative interview.



Conclusions and suggestions

Although some HTA research has been conducted and some HTA results have played important roles in policy-making, the overall level of HTA knowledge translation is still low and the impact of HTA research still needs to be expanded.


In order to improve the HTA knowledge translation and further promote scientific and evidence-based decision-making, some improvements need to be made at the institutional level and individual level of research and decision-making, as well as the design of macro-mechanism.

Firstly, mechanism of scientific decision-making needs to be established. It is suggested to make some concerned decisions with the HTA evidence, which will provide robust support for utilizing HTA evidence in health policy-making. Besides, the HTA guidance should be issued to optimize the design of technology assessment, standardize the application of assessment methodologies, and expand the transmission of HTA results.


Secondly, the HTA researchers could continuously promote their theoretical level by many kinds of trainings. Also, their practical experience could be rich after fully understanding the practice environment of certain technology. It is suggested to keep communication with policy-makers during the overall process of research implementation, in order to timely solve the upcoming problems and ensure high quality of HTA research. Additionally, to facilitate the knowledge translation of HTA research, it is also advised to adopt appropriate output format to meet the demand of target population.


Thirdly, the research institutions need to moderately adapt the incentive scheme to reward the researchers having research outcome implemented in societal practice. It is advised to establish the mechanism for supporting KT, as well as the management mechanism for ensuring research quality. In addition, it is also very important to strengthen the communication between HTA research units and health policy-making department, in order to promote the HTA relevance to policy-making and facilitate the HTA evidence utilization in policy-making.


Fourthly, the policy-makers need to fully realize the great importance of HTA evidence in supporting health policy-making. It is suggested for policy-makers to participate in HTA train to strengthen the capability of applying HTA evidence. It is also advised to participate in HTA research and keep communication with HTA researchers during the overall process of research implementation, in order to concertedly solve the upcoming problems, improve the HTA knowledge and further expand the impact of HTA evidence on health policy-making.



Key words:

Health technology assessment;  Knowledge translation;  policy-making;  China


Classification number:  R197.1




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Satellite session form


Name of organization       National Key Lab of Health Technology Assessment, School of Public Health, Fudan University

Country                      China


Name of contact person   Yingyao Chen

Email                           yychen@shmu.edu.cn

Telephone number    86-21-54237279


Full title of the session       Knowledge Translation:  From Health Technology Assessment to Health Policy-making

Preferred time and date    Oct 31, 2012

• The nature of the organization hosting the satellite session

National Key Lab of Health Technology Assessment (KLHTA) at Fudan University, is an active HTA agency with multiple expertise in China. Its mission is to conduct HTA research, education and training, collaboration and exchange, and technical services. It was designated as a WHO Collaborating Center for Health Technology Assessment and Management in 2007. This HTA agency is not only to facilitate HTA development in China in the context of health care reform, but also to participate into the global actions of HTA in the region or in the world.


• The purpose of the satellite session
In this session we present preliminary observations from a recently-launched study entitled “Knowledge Translation from Health Technology Assessment to Health Policy-making” supported by the China Medical Board (CMB).

Both “hardware” and “software” of Health technology often refer to “the drugs, devices, and medical and surgical procedures used in health care,” and “the organizational and supportive systems within which such care is provided’’, respectively. Health Technology Assessment (HTA) is a comprehensive form of policy research that examines the effectiveness of a technology and the short- and long-term consequences of use of health technology. HTA provides evidence-based information to help make decisions on the selection and utilization of health technologies, to promote efficient health resource allocation, improved quality of outcomes, and cost control. HTA has been gaining recognition internationally and has played an increasingly important role in health policy-making around the world. And yet countries embrace HTA quite differently.  It turns out that conducting HTA is one thing, and making use of the HTA results to influence health policy-making is another. Unless the knowledge gained from HTA can reach policymakers and be used by them in decision-making, HTA is largely an academic exercise with little real impact on health policy. There are some successful experiences of knowledge translation (KT) from HTA to policy-making in some countries while the integration of HTA in the policy-making processes is still in development in many other countries, both industrialized and developing countries.

This session will present case studies of KT from HTA to health policy in Australia, Canada, China and United States, and preliminary findings of HTA to policy in one study site in China. It is hypothesized that individual actors and institutional characteristics present the predisposing, enabling, and needs factors that affect HTA KT activities and effectiveness. By presenting four cases, we hope to try to “triangulate” in order to better understand what factors are most influential in helping bridge the gap, and how they work to facilitate or impede policy-making. All presentations aim to examine enabling and impeding factors that affect the translation of HTA evidence to policy-making, and propose policy implications to facilitate KT of HTA especially for developing countries.


If your session includes speakers in addition to yourself, please list their name(s) and presentation title(s) below:

  1. Introduction to the session (David Hotchkiss PhD, professor of Global Health Systems and Development, School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine, Tulane University)  5 min

2.      Between Ivory Tower and Executive Suite: Some Canadian Initiatives in Linking Researchers and Policy-makers (Raymond W. Pong, PhD, professor, Centre for Rural and Northern Health Research and Northern Ontario School of Medicine, Laurentian University, Ontario, Canada.)   10 min

4.      Knowledge Translation (KT) in United States: From Cost-effectiveness to Comparative Effectiveness? (Lizheng Shi, PhD, associate professor, Department of Global Health Systems and Development, School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine, Tulane University, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.)  10 min

5.      Has Health Technology Assessment (HTA) been accepted as a policy instrument in China? (Yingyao Chen, PhD, professor, National Key Lab of Health Technology Assessment, Fudan University, Shanghai, P. R. China.)   15 min    

6.      Brief introduction of  methodology and design  of research Knowledge Translation:  From Health Technology Assessment to Health Policy-making. (Yingyao Chen, PhD, professor, National Key Lab of Health Technology Assessment, Fudan University, Shanghai, P. R. China.)   10 min

7.      Q&A Discussion: Chaired by Dr. Hotchkissr [with presenters]    35 min




韩国 HTAi


Name of organization       National Key Lab of Health Technology Assessment, School of Public Health, Fudan University


Country                      China


Name of contact person   Yingyao Chen


Full title of the session       Knowledge Translation: from Health Technology Assessment to Health Policy-making in China


Background (100 words)

Health Technology Assessment (HTA) seeks to examine the effectiveness of a health technology and its short- and long-term consequences. HTA has been gaining recognition internationally, but countries embrace HTA quite differently. Also, conducting HTA is one thing and using HTA results to influence policy-making is another. Unless the knowledge gained from HTA can be used by policy makers in decision-making, HTA is largely an academic exercise with little real impact on health care and the health system. It is, therefore, important to identify the enabling and impeding factors that influence the knowledge translation (KT) process from HTA to health policy-making.

Panel session description and objectives (150 words)

This session will present findings on HTA KT from our project entitled “Knowledge Translation from Health Technology Assessment to Health Policy-making in China”, which is supported by the China Medical Board, an independent foundation based in the USA. The study employs literature review, institutional survey, survey of HTA researchers and policy-makers, and qualitative interviews at the national and province level. It is hypothesized that the characteristics of individual actors (e.g., HTA researchers and decision-makers) and organizations (e.g., HTA centers and policy-making agencies) often enable or impede HTA KT activities and affect their effectiveness in shaping policies. By analyzing cases and data from our study, we hope to “triangulate” in order to better understand what factors are most influential in bridging the KT gap, and how they work to facilitate or impede policy-making. In addition, we will discuss the policy implications of the findings and their implications for other developing countries.

  1. Introduction to the session (David BantaMD. MPH, Professor Emeritus, Maastricht University, The Netherlands. davidbanta@me.com )

2.      Has HTA been accepted as a policy instrument in China?  Perspectives of policy makers. (Yingyao Chen, PhD, Professor, National Key Lab of Health Technology Assessment, Fudan University, Shanghai, P. R. China. yychen@shmu.edu.cn)

3.  HTA  research and its translation to policy-making in China: Perspectives of HTA researchers (Hengjin Dong, PhD, Professor and Executive Director, Center for Health Policy Studies, School of Public Health, Zhejiang University School of Medicine, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, P.R. China. donghj@zju.edu.cn)

4.      From HTA KT to policy-making in China: A gap analysis. (Lizheng Shi, PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Global Health Systems and Development, School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine, Tulane University, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA. lshi1@tulane.edu )

5.      The Chinese experience and its relevance to developing countries: International perspectives (Raymond W. Pong, PhD, Senior Research Fellow, Centre for Rural and Northern Health Research, Laurentian University, Ontario, Canada. rpong@laurentian.ca )

6.      Q&A Discussion: Chaired by Dr. Banta [with presenters]

7.      Wrap Up (Dr. Banta)




2014 HTAi


Name of organization       National Key Lab of Health Technology Assessment, School of Public Health, Fudan University

Country                      China

Name of contact person   Yingyao Chen

Full title of the session       Using HTA in China: From Strengthening Patient-centered Care to Enhancing Health System Performance

Background (100 words)

There are many challenges in improving the HTA use and uncertainties about its impact on health systems strengthening in China.  Although some HTA evidence has been used to inform policy decisions (e.g., adoption of assisted human reproductive technology, gamma knife technology, and prenatal screening) in China, use of HTA in the policy-making processes and in guiding patient-centered clinical practices is neither formally developed nor widespread.

Panel session description and objectives (150 words)

The objective of this panel is to describe the development of China’s HTA research, present future perspective of patient-centeredness in HTA applications for health systems strengthening and explore the determinants on knowledge translation from HTA evidence to health policy-making. By qualitative and quantitative analysis, we hope to clearly describe the current status of HTA evidence utilization in China, especially from the future perspective of patient-centeredness. For characteristics of individual actors (e.g., HTA researchers and decision-makers) and organizations (e.g., policy-making agencies) often facilitate or impede HTA utilization in strengthening healthcare systems, qualitative and quantitative analysis will be also applied to better understand what factors are most influential in promoting HTA approaches, and how they interact with the process of policy-making. Taken together, we will propose policy recommendations to foster better utilization of patient engagement and involvement in HTA applications in strengthening the patient-centered healthcare systems.

1. Introduction by Raymond Pong

2. HTA development and potential opportunities in China  by Yingyao Chen

3. For a patient-centered healthcare system —— Case study on climate of patient safety by Di Xue

4. Who cares about cost-effective evidence in adoption of health technologies? by Hengjin Dong

5. Determinants of knowledge translation: From HTA research to health policy-making by Lizheng Shi

6. Q&A and discussion by Raymond Pong

7. Wrap up by Raymond Pong